Artist,  photography

Photographer Spotlight: Judy Host

When did you know the photography/video industry was for you? 

When I was 15, I took a photography class in High School. I have been in love with photography since then.  It was the first thing I found to come to me naturally.  It helped to make me feel good about myself.

How did you get your current position? 

I started my own business in my early 40’s. Second career.  I borrowed my friend’s children and just started my own business.  I joined every trade association I could find and started to take classes eventually learning a Master’s certificate and a Craftsman’s from PPA.


How did your training or schooling prepare you for your job? 

Any experience you can get is always going to be helpful.  I had a passion and a lot of drive.  Learning from my peers meant everything to me.

What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in pursuing your career?

My own insecure and negative attitude.  Getting out of my own way and believing I was capable of what I wanted to accomplish.

Who would you name as the most influential person in shaping your career?  Why? 

So many people helped and supported my passion, but mostly my father who taught me I could do whatever I wanted if I could believe in myself.

If you could be compensated for your work with something other than money, what would it be? 

If I didn’t have to charge for my work, I wouldn’t.  Making people happy is its own reward.  Documenting people’s lives in a beautiful and loving way is my gift to the world.


To see more of Judy’s work, please visit:


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