Artist,  Creative,  Illustrator,  photography,  Re-toucher

Brooke Shaden: Photographer, Illustrator

When did you know the photography/video industry was for you? 

I  have always wanted to be a storyteller, from my earliest memories until now. I knew that I wanted to go into a creative profession.

How did you get your current position? 

At first I thought writing would be best for me, but then I discovered filmmaking and fell in love with the visual medium. What I didn’t love, however, was how long it took to make a film and how necessarily collaborative it was. That was when I picked up my still camera and decided to become a photographer.


How did your training or schooling prepare you for your job? 

I went to film school and also studied English literature, so I came away with the understanding of how to tell stories and how to look for deeper meanings within works. This has helped tremendously in understanding my own personal stories as well as how I might be able to translate them.

What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in pursuing your career?

The uncertainty! I decided right away that I would not take jobs just because they paid the bills. I never wanted to ruin photography for myself, as I would rather keep it as a hobby that I love that makes no money versus a career that I hate that does bring in money. So I stayed true to what I wanted to spend my time doing, all the while not knowing if that would ever make a viable career. I was basically making it up as I went, and still am!

Who would you name as the most influential person in shaping your career?  Why? 

When I first started photography I was working as a receptionist at a company, and one of the lawyers there was the first person, outside of my family, to make real note of what I was doing. She encouraged me, made test prints for me, helped me submit to galleries. She was the first to encourage me to pursue a career in photography.

If you could be compensated for your work with something other than money, what would it be? 

Experience and love. What I crave more than anything is a new experience that will bring me a new understanding of what love can be.

To see more of Brooke’s work, visit:



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