Artist,  photography,  Story Telling

Dixie Dixon: Nikon Explorer of Light


When did you know the photography/video industry was for you? 

I would definitely have to say when my image made the cover of the yearbook in high school… I can remember the feeling that went along with that.  I was very shy growing up (still an introvert today) and so my camera served as my sidekick in exploring the world and a way to get outside of my comfort zone!  I’ve been in love ever since.. its been such an adventure!

How did you get your current position? 

I launched my business- Dixie Dixon Photography now Dixie Dixon Inc. while in college shooting everything ranging from portraits, events, products, and etc to pay the bills while building my commercial portfolio along the way.  Then I would only post my commercial work on my website which is how I eventually broke into the commercial photography industry and now I am shooting strictly that.  Its where my passion lives!

How did your training or schooling prepare you for your job? 

I actually have a degree in Business Entrepreneurship and I think that has definitely helped me keep it real on the business, marketing, and branding sides of my career.  And assisting other photographers in the industry really helped with the shooting side of things… I love to learn and try to soak up information like a sponge 😉

What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in pursuing your career? 

I think that balance has been a real struggle for me… there are so many hats a photographer has to wear in this business- from shooter to marketer, to the business person and figuring out where to spend ones time between all of those while also fitting a social life in between all of that has been tough for me.  I am a bit of a workaholic nature so I have to keep that in check!

Who would you name as the most influential person in shaping your career?  Why? 

Wow, thats a hard one!  I have had so many great mentors in my career… people who have made such an impact throughout my journey and I am so grateful for them.. ranging from photographers to business people to friends- All of who have shaped the way I see the world and business today.  But of course, my family has really been insanely influential in pushing me to create a career doing what I love… their positive influences and just kind support make a huge difference!

If you could be compensated for your work with something other than money, what would it be? 

For me (like many photographers), the money is just an added bonus.. because I love what I do so much that just the feeling of being able to make beautiful pictures and work with great people day-in-day-out is enough for me!  We are all in this crazy adventure of life together and its my hope that my images might brighten someone’s day or help someone see the world differently or just show that you really can do you what you love in this life!   


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