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Photographer’s Spotlight: Jessica Ambats


When did you know the photography/video industry was for you?
I’ve always loved both photography and flying, but had never considered either as a career. It wasn’t until I attended a meeting of the International Society for Aviation Photography that I realized how my two passions could be combined.

How did you get your current position?
Many late nights in front of the computer, and many early mornings on the airport ramp. Like anything else, it takes dedication and hard work.


How did your training or schooling prepare you for your job?
Being a pilot and doing formation flying training has helped because it gives me a firsthand understanding of the flight dynamics on photo shoots.

What was the greatest obstacle you had to overcome in pursuing your career?
Initially, financial.  Then, time. There aren’t enough hours in the day!

Who would you name as the most influential person in shaping your career?  Why?
Aviation photographer Russell Munson. Russell has been my mentor since my start, and his style of “tough love” has always pushed me to improve.

If you could be compensated for your work with something other than money, what would it be?
Time! And chocolate 🙂

To see more of Jessica’s work, visit:



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